BAGene SSP Diagnostics

Increase Safety in Blood Group Diagnostics

The determination of clinical relevant, weak or rare variants of blood group systems on a molecular genetic basis gives you a higher safety in the diagnosis of blood donors, recipients, patients and pregnant women.

BAG offers easy-to-use test kits in a modular concept that enables an effective handling of all your requirements.

The PCR-SSP technique in the blood group diagnostic field is the method of choice for a low amount of samples and/or for confirmation tests.

By means of sequence specific primers (SSP) only determined sequences in the examined gene are amplified highlighting different mutations in the gene sequence. The resulting amplicons are then visualized by gel electrophoresis.

The BAGene kits include a validated and IvD CE certified Taq Polymerase to improve your results.

Declaration-MSDS-BAGene-2016-04-DE-EN (pdf)
IFU-BAGene-V11-2017-EN (pdf)
IFU-HappyTaq-V2-2015_DE-EN-IT (pdf)
Literature-BAGene-2014-07 (pdf)


Product Description Package REF
ABO-TYPE for ABO blood group typing
(8 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 6640
ABO-TYPE variant for ABO blood group typing including rare A and B variants
(18 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 6641
RH-TYPE for RHD/RHCE typing
(C, Cw, c, D, DEL, E, e)
13 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 6645
Partial D-TYPE for typing rare RHD variants
(Partial D)
(15 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 6646
Weak D-TYPE for typing weak D types
1, 1.1, 2, 3, 4.0/4.1, 4.2, 5, 11, 15, 17, 20
(8 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 6647
D Zygosity-TYPE for typing RHD zygosity
(2 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 6648
KKD-TYPE for typing antigens of the Kell,
Kidd and Duffy systems
(8 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 6650
MNS-TYPE for typing antigens of MNS system (M, N, S, s)
(4 PCR Mixe, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 6652
Rare-TYPE for typing antigens of the Kell (KEL*03, KEL*04, KEL*06, KEL*07),
Diego, Lutheran, Dombrock, Colton, Cartwright and Vel Systems
(16 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 6653
HPA-TYPE for typing HPA specificities
1 a/b, 2a/b, 3a/b, 4a/b, 5a/b, 6a/b, 9a/b, 15a/b
(16 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
20 tests 6660
HNA-TYPE for typing HNA specificities
1 a/b/c, 3a/b, 4a/bw, 5a/bw
(10 PCR mixes, incl. Taq Polymerase)
10 tests 66701
REF Product Description Package
70976 Happy Taq Taq Polymerase for the use with HISTO TYPE and BAGene SSP Kits 250 U (50 µl)
7097 DNA Length Standard 0.5 ml
7091 Wipetest Contamination control 40 Tests
7104 / 71044 CYCLER CHECK Kit for evaluation of temperature uniformity in thermal cyclers 0.5 ml
7059 EXTRA GENE I DNA Extracion with a salting out method 50 Extraktionen